2024 Annual Member Survey:  All surveys due by Friday, February 28, 2025

The Annual Member Survey allows us to give an accurate depiction of diaper need and period poverty across the country.  This data makes it possible for NDBN to measure the impact that we have collectively as a national network of basic needs banks, while enabling NDBN to provide all member organizations with the highest level of support.


Each year, our goal is to have 100% of NDBN-member basic needs banks surveys submitted.  Ensuring every member is represented is integral to the work we do.  


1.  Save When You Start & Save as You Go: We recommend you save your annual survey when you start and save your work as you go.  After you complete each page of the survey do a save.  It's simple:  1) check the box in the upper right corner of the screen, 2) enter your email, 3) enter your password, 4) then click "Resume" or your survey will be saved until the next time.  Not doing this may result in the loss of information entered.  The Information lost cannot be recovered.

2.  Annual Member Survey Resources:  There is a growing collection of annual member survey support resources that can be found in the Member Portal here.  

  • Survey Outline Get an overview of what is covered in the survey.  Each section of the survey is numbered and corresponds to the page of the survey.  The survey is divided into 3 main sections: Organization, Diaper Program, and Period Supply Program.  Download the Survey Outline here.
  • Survey Guide and Glossary This guide provides answers to commonly asked questions. 
  • Kick Off Webinar (recording) - This webinar familiarizes new members and is a refresher for returning staff for getting started on the survey.  The webinar includes an review of survey updates, tips, and resources. Link to slides.

3.  Recommended Device:  This survey was formatted for viewing on a desktop or laptop computer.


4.  Finalize Your Survey:  At the end of the survey, you MUST click the confirm button to finalize your survey after you click submit.  You will have the opportunity to review, edit, print, and save a copy at the end of the survey.  Be sure to click the final confirmation to submit option.  You will be sent an email confirmation when the survey is successfully submitted.  


 5.  Estimated Completion Time: Varies.  To capture your awesome work, delegate work over several days.  Sections of the Annual Member Survey may need to be delegated to staff that handles that specific area of questions.  We recommend giving yourself a week to complete the survey, to allow for any questions or connecting with others to collect the information.

Any questions?  Contact Lynn or Malasia at evaluation@diaperbanknetwork.org

For All Members Completing the Survey:  

We are here to support you through the survey.  This information is important to much our work, and we know that completing this survey is a commitment of you and your colleagues' time.  If you have any questions, need clarification on what is being asked, or have anything you'd like to talk about, please don't hesitate to get in touch.

Contact Information
Please enter your contact information.  This is for the person who is completing the Annual Member Survey.                                
Enter NDBN Member Number to Continue 
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